Hello everyone……I am really happy to
see you in another post. In this we are going to know about the Cryonics
technology. This technology is known to many of us, as the technology to cheat
death and to have a second life after death. Let’s see about the technology…
Cryonics is a technique used to store
human bodies at extremely low temperatures with the hope of one day reviving them.
Robert Ettinger is called as the father of cryonics.
The idea is that if someone has “died”
from a disease that is incurable today, he or she can be “frozen” and then
revived in the future when a cure has been discovered, for that disease. A person
preserved this way is said to be in cryonic suspension.
It is illegal to perform cryonic suspension
on someone who is still alive. People who undergo this procedure must first be
pronounced legally dead. That is their heart must have stopped beating.
According to the scientist who
perform cryonics said “legally dead” is not the same as “totally dead”. Total
death is the point at which all brain function ceases. Legal death occurs when
the heart has stopped beating, but some cellular brain function remains. Cryonics
preserves this little cell function that remains, so that, theoretically, the
person can be resuscitated in the future.
On January 12, 1967, 50 years ago, 73-year
old Dr James Bedford died. After then he
was cryonically frozen. He was the first man to cryonically frozen by this
technology. To honour him for his first contribution to this technology “Bedford
day” is followed every year. It has been 50 years till then after he is frozen.
After that many peoples are getting interested
to froze their body. But the cost is high to preserve like this. There is an
institute called Cryonics Institute which offer the people to preserve their
body for $28,000.
Thus cryonics paved a way for second
life after death in the future theoretically or based on hope of the
scientists. It may be possible or not in the future, but people are believing or
hoping it should be possible. Hope the efforts of Scientists are going to make our
dreams true.
Friends Let me know about your opinion about this technology by commenting
below in the comments section.
vera level thala nenga