Info from every field!!!

                            Friends......In this post we are discussing about a material that is going to change the entire World's Energy problems and Water shortage problems. The material for the invention of which, the inventors are awarded with Nobel Prize. This post introduces the material's history, with its some properties and uses.

History of Graphene:


                           Before the invention of graphene, scientists believed that production of single layer of carbon atom is not possible to separate, since it is unstable. In 2004, Prof. Andre Geim and Prof. Kostya Novoselov, from Manchester University, isolated the single layer of atoms of graphite called Graphene using scotch tape and a piece of graphite material, in pencil. This method of graphene preparation is called Mechanical Exfoliation method. For the invention of graphene they are awarded with Nobel Prize in 2010.

Producing graphene:


                          Graphene is indeed very exciting, but producing it is not easy, especially if you are aiming towards high-quality sheets. Several companies are producing Graphene today in small volumes (most companies are using CVD based processes), and there's a lot of research going into developing new ways to mass produce the material in an affordable manner.

                          Most of the graphene produced today is used for R&D in Universities and companies. Some graphene based products are entering the market, but mass production of graphene hasn't been achieved yet.

Properties of Graphene:

1. Each layer of graphene is one atom thick.

2. Graphene is the strongest material on earth. 

3. It is many times stronger than steel.

4. Graphene is 1000000 times thinner than paper.

5. It will bend like rubber and is transparent.

6. In electrical conductivity, it is better than copper.

Uses of Graphene:

                          If we use Graphene Super-capacitors in mobile and laptops as batteries, we can charge it in 5 seconds and a big size electric car in 30 seconds. It is also useful in converting solar energy into electricity, by using Graphene solar panels and we can store the electricity in itself.

                          Also researches are going on to convert sea water into fresh water, with the help of Graphene filter material. It is impractical to construct a Desalination plant. Because it is very expensive to construct and it will cost a lot of resources to run it. So scientists are researching about the use of Graphene in Desalination process.

Other Application:

1. Composites and coatings

2. Energy

3. Biomedical


5. Electronics

6. Transport

                            So there is no amazing in awarding Nobel prize to the invention of such a worthy material. So please leave comments about this material that is going to revolutionize the world.

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